Want a Job in EDM?

In light of recent events in music festival history *cough* (Fyre Festival) *cough*, it is worth raising an air of caution for those considering a career in the EDM industry. Of course, we fans love dance music and wish that we could live in that bliss at all times. Life is a funny thing, though. It requires a fair amount of hard work to incur a reputable amount of success in any field.

Most people make the assumption that getting a job in the industry would be a piece of cake, and that it would be nothing but sunshine and rainbows. The truth is that many companies trying to make money in the industry aren’t as PLUR as one might imagine. These people are out to make money just like any other business. These people are just that, humans; and we are an imperfect race. Before you go breaking up with your current, steady occupation, heed my warning and take a second thought.
As someone who has worked multiple jobs in the scene (both paid and unpaid), I can attest that not everyone who smiles at you and tells you nice things should be trusted. Not everyone who promises you good opportunities has intentions to follow through.

My advice…
…to anyone who truly wants nothing more than to dedicate their life to influencing and perpetuating electronic dance music culture: stay vigilant. You have to be standing guard, that your best interest is always in mind when making career choices. If this is a career path you wish to pursue, you must ensure that it will prove to be a sufficient financial support system. There ARE amazing jobs out there in the EDM sector! You just have to put in the work to acquire said job; obviously, this is easier said than done.
Keep in mind that you need to build skills as well as a professional reputation for the position you desire. This takes untold hours and energy to create. In the end, it can be totally worth it. Building these skills may require you to start out providing your services for free as you hone whichever craft you wish to master.
This brings me to my next point,
and arguably the most important one. Only you can be the one to fight your way into career success in the music industry. Only you can motivate yourself and do the work that it takes. If you aren’t willing to take the risk of embarking on such an endeavor, consider volunteering, interning, or adopting hobbies surrounding EDM. Your entire existence does not have to be entrenched in the scene for it to be an important piece of your life. It may just be that you can produce a more plentiful and comfortable life for yourself by strictly keeping EDM in the realm of hobby/leisure and working a *gasp* “regular” job.
In all of my experience, I am grateful for the fun little insider perks that have come with my efforts to involve myself in working in fields which support EDM. Conversely, I have a handful of stories I would like to forget. Only take the plunge into working in this competitive industry if you have the utmost belief in yourself, the drive to do whatever it takes to reach your standard of success, and a clear idea of what you want for yourself. Be prepared for moments of unpleasantry and disappointment. Always try to think logically and realistically. Don’t forget to do your research on companies and CEOs.