Thumbs Up To Psymbionic, CloZee, and Notion Presents!

Psymbionic, CloZee, and Notion Presents care about their fans! They will be providing a free show to those who dealt with the location change drama this past Friday.
The Drama
Notion Presents hosted Psymbionic and CloZee at their show on Friday December 16th. The show was originally said to be located at The Silent Funny in Chicago. The morning of the show Notion Presents announces that the show will be moved to The Loft also located in Chicago. Turns out that the original location change was the cause of venue owners of The Silent Funny, as they did not have the permits required for the show. The owners gave notice to Notion Presents, who swiftly responded with the venue change.
Unfortunately, the drama doesn’t stop there. After paying the deposit, the owners of The Loft requested thousands of dollars more from Notion Presents claiming to be for insurance and city fees. The cost of an extra thousands of dollars was unfortunately undoable for the Notion Presents owners. Minutes before the show Notion Presents announced that they were currently in search for a new venue and that the show may not go on. By this time fans have already left their homes in the snow to attend the show. Austin Johnson, owner of Notion Presents, offers a place to stay for all those who came from out of town. A more than kind gesture to accommodate for their attendees. As hours pass hope was lost.
But at midnight Psymbionic announces that they found a venue and will be relocating at Star Bar in Chicago Ridge. Although, the show did not go as planned many ticket holders were still able to make it to Star Bar to watch Psymbionic and CloZee. Notion Presents is offering refunds to pre sale ticket holders who did not make it to the final destination. It was a rough ride for fans and an unbelievably stressful night for Psymbionic, CloZee, and Notion Presents, but their persistence and love for their fans shined through and allowed them to still host a kick ass show!
Free Show! 
In order to completely make it up to fans Psymbionic and CloZee will be working together to give their Chicago / Chicago area fans a free show! Psymbionic announced via Facebook post that they will be working together to coordinate a free show. Although dates have not been announced, Psymbionic expects that it will happen on a Sunday or a Wednesday based on their current tour dates. If you are interested in attending the free show make sure to add yourself to Psymbionic’s fan page, Psymb City. Updates on the event will be posted on there. So make sure to follow the page in order for it to be on your timeline, Facebook is sneaky sometimes.
A big thanks to the Notion Presents team, Psymbionic and CloZee for giving a damn about their fans, we love you!