Imagine: A Tropical Bassnectar Getaway

Just imagine, flying to a tropical destination with your festy fam, to an all-inclusive Bassnectar curated festival weekend.
Lorin Ashton, better known by his stage name as Bassnectar, is gauging an interest for a Spring Gathering in the late Winter of 2019.
According to a post made Ashton in the, “Love Here” Facebook Group, on May 14, the concept would be an “intimate, immersive weekend event in a far away land… somewhere tropical on the beach.”.
Ashton imagines hotels clustered together, in an all inclusive resort, where attendees would live together.
The resort would be host to a multiple-stage festival, with various zones. Ashton explains how the different zones would be similar to nightclubs with “different areas and vibes to explore” and “strange and beautiful music from all over the galaxy”.
With all food and drinks provided, special perks included, elective activities, 4 night stay in a hotel room, and all amenities of a tropical resort included, this event would cost more than a normal curated event.
Ashton mentions how his team would “work overdrive to create an event which will cost slightly less than the average cost of a music destination-style weekend”, which is usually over $1,500, not counting airfare.
Note: nothing has been planned or confirmed – this is simply an idea!