Make The Most of Electric Forest With These Tips & Tricks

As the time draws near for Electric Forest, emotions such as, excitement and anticipation build.
To ensure your Forest experience is memorable, here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind.

Take precautionary measures, the weather can be unpredictable. To ensure preparedness for all possible types of weather, remember to pack sunscreen, rain gear (i.e. rainboots and a raincoat/poncho), and extra [clothing] layers. Being outside in the heat all day can be draining, be sure to bring a reusable water bottle or hydration pack to fill up at the various free water stations throughout the campground and festival grounds.

As with any camping festival, music can be constantly playing in the campground. With this, sleep may be somewhat difficult to achieve. An essential item to pack to help with sleep is a a pair of earplugs. Eyemasks can also be fundamental. Attempting to function on little-to-no sleep can be difficult in “every day” life. Factor in the inevitable heat and copious amount of walking which accompany Electric Forest and you will soon realize sleep is absolutely needed for obtaining the best Forest experience.

Arguably one of the most essential tips is to make time to explore the Forest. This wonderful music festival is home to a massive forest which, upon entering, is a world all its’ own. Among the white cedar trees are spectacular sights to behold. Performers who are playing different character roles complete with names and backstories will interact with you, making your Forest experience all the more memorable. Grand art installations, many of which are interactive, are also there to welcome you home.
Lastly check out an [musical] artist, DJ/producer, or band you normally would not. For many people, EF is about exploring and finding new things – the same can be said for the music.