A Playlist for Your New Year’s Resolution

EDM, Exercise, and Positivity in 2020
Start 2020 off right with a playlist to get you moving, smiling, dancing, and running through campus in the dead of winter.
With the start of a new year, and a brand new version of the roaring twenties, come those unbearable questions about resolutions. Making a conscious effort to better ourselves is, of course, a positive, but the pressure to instantly improve can be nearly too much to carry.
The beginning of January always sparks obnoxious complaints from the everyday-gym-attendees. They whine and say, “Ugh, it’s so packed in here!” and, “I can’t wait till these people give up.” But what they don’t know is this: it is arguably WAY more fun to go to the gym when angry, hot people don’t want you there.
Well, I try to think of it that way. A much healthier, friendlier thing that will help me (and hopefully others) through this year’s resolution season is a good playlist to drown out the frustrated scoffing from irritable regulars waiting for the treadmill.
Big Fat Disclaimer: Bettering ourselves doesn’t always mean working out!! The goal here is just to make a playlist of up-beat music to get you moving, having fun, and smiling in the middle of winter.
When I set out to make this playlist, I turned to Spotify, hunkering down to collect some songs that will help promote exercise and body positivity in this new era. Energetic, electronic dance music always does it for me when I am hyping myself up to get out of bed. I focused on the more pop-ish zone of EDM music– the songs to which we have already attached some fond memories spent in the sun.
If you had the chance to see RL Grime, Flume, or ODESZA this past summer, the RedRollGym playlist is perfect for you. That, I’ve-heard-this-live energy forever accompanies each song, the opening notes catapulting you right back to those warm moments surrounded by people who would never judge how many crunches you can (or can’t) do.
That’s the headspace we all need to be in as we embark on a new year, a new decade, a new roaring twenties. We need some songs that remind us of days we spent smiling. Use them as your motivators! This whole self-improvement, new year’s resolution business works best when you channel something positive from within, and music is such a great way to harness that. Even if the artists featured here aren’t the ones you sought out in 2019, give it a listen! You can also create one for yourself, of course. Just try to draw from a place of positivity, and step into the decade (and the gym, if you want) with more energy than you had at the end of the year.