Corey Taylor to Release New Third Book ‘You’re Making Me Hate You’

Slipknot / Stone Sour vocalist Corey Taylor announced that he is planning to release his third book titled, ‘You’re Making Me Hate You’. In similar fashion to his previous two books, this one will deal with a particular theme. What pisses him off.
Taylor released his first book, ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ in July of 2012, talking about his experiences dealing with the deadly seven. A year later, he put out another book titled, ‘A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to Heaven’ in which he told his history with the paranormal and his beliefs. Set to come out in June, this book will talk about the thing that makes Slipknot what they are. Anger. And like the other two, we’re excited to look into the mind of the lead singer of one of the most well-known metal bands. Specifically, what makes him tick.
The book’s official description reads:
” Corey Taylor has had it. Had it with the vagaries of human behavior and life in this post-modern digital blanked-out waiting room that passes for a world. Reality TV, awful music, terrible drivers, megamalls, airports, family reunions, bad fashion choices, other people’s monstrous children, and badly-behaved “adult” human beings are warping life in the 21st century into an often-unbearable endurance test of one’s patience, fortitude, and faith. You’re Making Me Hate You is a blisteringly funny diatribe that skewers the worst aspects of human behavior with a knowing eye for every excruciating detail, told in the vivid way that only Corey Taylor can.”
Along with a June 30 release date via Da Capo Press, Taylor will be going out on an accompanying solo tour. You can pre-order your own copy at Corey Taylor’s website. Taylor will be making an appearance at Chicago’s Bottom Lounge on July 11, and at Rock Island Brewing Company in Rock Island, IL.