Summer Camp : Who, What, Where, When and Why Are We Moving?

Recent news reports that Summer Camp Music Festival may be finding a new home for the 2017 festivities. Before all dedicated scampers come up in arms over this news, there are a few things you should know.
It Is Not Official.
One of Summer Camp’s founders, Ian Goldberg, has recently released his official statement about the potential home change. Although the move has yet to be confirmed, Goldberg assures us that the move will not take place without a fight.
Like all of you, we have a profound love of our current home. I married my wife there. And when she passed, we created a memorial for her there. If we are forced to make a move, you can trust it will be because we all can no longer feel welcome in this space
Summer Camp vs Three Sisters
Last summer, Jay Goldberg Events and Entertainment and the owners of our beloved Three Sisters Park went to trial over a breach in rental contract. Shots were fired when Three Sisters Park and the promoters of Tailgate N’ Tallboys filed a rental dispute, saying that they are being cleared out of the park earlier than contracted. Tailgate N’ Tallboys was expected to be located at Three Sisters Park June 24-25. In dispute, Goldberg filed a complaint against Three Sisters Park. He claimed that he had rights to the park from May 1st to July 1st. He claimed that it was a breach of his contract and that he needed at least 4 weeks, based on past years, to take down stages and clean up the park. The judge denied the restraining order and Tailgate N’ Tallboys, featuring the great Willie Nelson, took place at the park as originally planned. With all this hostility and Summer Camp’s three year contract coming to an end in 2017, it leaves Goldberg weary that Summer Camp will not be welcomed back at the original festival grounds for 2017.
A New Place To Call Home?

Goldberg has addressed that there is a new location in the works, and assures us that it is spectacular.
If we are unable to resolve our issues, you can also trust that Kennekuk County Park is an amazing space filled with lakes, trees and beautiful open spaces ready to welcome and embrace everything that Summer Camp has come to stand for.
Kennekuk County Park is located in Danville, IL about 2 hours SouthEast of Three Sisters Park. Depending where you are coming from, the location change may be viewed as positive or negative to scamp veterans in regard to travel plans.
Dear Scampers,
Home is not defined by location. The location change will not change how we feel when we are united together again at Summer Camp. Home is not definite, home is a feeling. Remember that wherever Summer Camp Music Festival ends up in 2017, the feeling of home will follow.
It won’t be the same. Every year I camp same spot. Literally have a mile away from me. I look forward every year to it 🙁